zaterdag 11 februari 2012

In My Mailbox (34)

Four cards this week. The first came from Seattle, Washington (USA) and it has a map on it. I really like this card. I shows where you can see certain wildlife.

Sent on: january 31st 2012
Received on: february 6th 2012
Distance: 7,998 km (4,970 miles)
Travel time: 6 days

The second card came from Athens, Greece. My first from this country. A card centering the oplympic flame.

Sent on: january 23rd 2012
Received on: february 7th 2012
Distance: 2,025 km (1,258 miles)
Travel time: 15 days

I also got this card from Kiev, Ukraine. A nice overview of the city

Sent on: february 4th 2012
Received on: february 10th 2012
Distance: 1,722 km (1,070 miles)
Travel time: 6 days

The last card I received this week came from Freistad, Austria. A shark card, very funny.

Sent on: february 6th 2012
Received on: february 10th 2012
Distance: 679 km (422 miles)
Travel time: 4 days

Thanks Anne, Dimitra, Elizabeth and Gitti

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