zaterdag 12 mei 2012

In My Mailbox (46)

Five cards this week. The first one came from Belarus. A card with purple flowers. Kinda pretty. My mother received the exact same card a couple days later. Also from Maria, but not the same girl.

Sent on: may 2nd 2012
Received on: may 7th 2012
Distance: 1,486 km (923 miles)
Travel time: 5 days

The second card came from Japan. In like the women with the traditional clothing, looks beautiful.

Sent on: may 1st 2012
Received on: may 8th 2012
Distance: 9,392 km (5,836 miles)
Travel time: 7 days

A card from Taiwan, vintage. Love it.

Sent on: may 2nd 2012
Received on: may 9h 2012
Distance: 9,511 km (5,910 miles)
Travel time: 7 days

This is my favorite of the week, from my neighbors from Germany. Kaiserslautern to be exact. What a beautiful landscape.

Sent on: may 7th 2012
Received on: may 11th 2012
Distance: 231 km (144 miles)
Travel time: 4 days

Finally a (very touristic) card from Branson, Missouri, USA. Not my favorite, but I like the info on the back of the card.

Sent on: may 8th 2012
Received on: may 12th 2012
Distance: 7,476 km (4,645 miles)
Travel time: 4 days

Thanks Maria, Shoko, Angela, Aaron and Desiree for your cards.

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