zaterdag 25 augustus 2012

In My Mailbox (59)

Only three cards this week. The first came from Zeist, The Netherlands. I love this card. A great clasic Disney card. A favorite.

Sent on: august 21st 2012
Received on: august 22nd 2012
Distance: 113 km (70 miles)
Travel time: 1 day

From Jyväskylä, Finland I got this serene landscape. Looks really peaceful.

Sent on: august 10th 2012
Received on: august 22nd 2012
Distance: 1,713 km (1,064 miles)
Travel time: 12 days

I got a card from Thailand. This is the first card from that country.

Sent on: august 19th 2012
Received on: august 25th 2012
Distance: 9,343 km (5,805 miles)
Travel time: 6 days

Thanks Trudi, Pirkko and Pann for the cards.

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