zondag 4 oktober 2020

Ranking the Franchise - Indiana Jones

Indiana Jones is one of my favorite movie characters of all-time and I love the movies.  And with four films out, I decided to take a closer look and rank them.  
4. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
This is without a doubt the worst one in the series. The rest of the franchise is very consistent, but this one really disappointed the audience. It was criticized and I do understand why. And although the film does have its moments and I really liked the comradery between Indiana and Mutt, the film overuses CGI and not in a good way (remember that awful scene where Mutt is swinging from the trees like Tarzan).
3. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
“Indiana Jones and Temple of Doom” is the second film and also the darkest one. Officially this film is a prequel and is set before “Raiders of the Lost Ark” (I didn’t even realize that after having seen it already over 10 times, haha). The story follows Indiana, singer Willie Scott and the young Short Round, who visit a village that has children mysteriously disappearing. They find a cult that sacrifices humans and they kidnap children to be their slaves. Like I said, the story is dark but filled with action and adventure.
2. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
The story is interesting. The film starts with a young Indiana who steals a relic from a grave robber. We get a little backstory and see how he got his infamous hat and how he started fearing snakes. When we see adult Indiana, he hears that his father, Henry Jones, has been kidnapped. Sean Connery plays father Henry, a great addition and I loved the fact that is focuses on the father-son bond instead of another love interest. My favorite moment is the chair scene, where Indiana and Henry are bound to chairs and the wall turns. Inventive and very funny.
1. Raiders of the Lost Ark
Close call, but the first film is till my favorite and although it’s from 1981, it really holds up. This is the equivalent of an adventure movie. The Nazis are trying to find the Ark of the Covenant, which will give them powers. Indiana Jones tries to find it before they do. “Raiders of the Lost Ark” has one of the coolest opening scenes ever and I love the scene with the swordsman and how Indiana just shoots him without even bothering. A film with high rewatchability.

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