zaterdag 18 mei 2024

10s Movie Review - The Report

Scott Z. Burns
Genre: Crime/ Drama
Runtime: 119 minutes
Year: 2019
Starring: Adam Driver, Annette Bening, John Hamm, Ted Levine, Tim Blake Nelson, Maura Tierney, Corey Stoll, Michael C. Hall, Jennifer Morrison

Description: Idealistic Senate staffer Daniel J. Jones (Adam Driver), tasked by his boss to lead an investigation into the CIA’s post 9/11 Detention and Interrogation Program, uncovers shocking secrets.

Review: In the years following the 9/ 11 attacks, it slowly but surely became clear that the US had little to fear in the war on terrorism. The CIA engaged in gross torture techniques on a large scale in order to extract information from often innocent suspects. “The Report” shows how one drive investigator brought the world’s most advanced intelligence agency to its knees.

Dan Jones is a young man with sky-high ambitions. When Senator Dianne Feinstein gives him the task of working with an independent team to investigate the CIA’s post-9/11 interrogation techniques, he bites the bullet. What he discovers bit by bit is unsettling and not for the faint of heart. The CIA saw little in the conventional interrogation techniques of Arabic-speaking agents who slowly tried to gain the trust of suspects. Two psychologists introduce new techniques, that they claim are scientific proof of more effective interrogating methods.

This is just the beginning. Whereas the CIA was initially cooperative, as Jones discovers more, of course, more and more doors are closing. Meanwhile, the investigative team he started with is thinning out. His colleagues no longer see any point in a mission doomed to failure. But Jones continues stoically.  

Adam Driver has already shown that he can play a wide range of roles. But he was made for this film. I think the film could have turned out a lot different with another lead actor. “The Report” may feel a bit ‘dry’ sometimes. It’s a lot of facts. Driver manages to create a character that you really want to succeed, even though he doesn’t show a lot of emotions. At least at first. Jones is a very stoic, pragmatic man, but when he gets deeper in the investigation, emotions do arise and that makes Driver’s performance even more impressive.

Unlike many American political films, for once it does not point exclusively at the Republicans. “The Report” is a very anti-America film if I may say so. But it’s still a political drama of integrity in the tradition of films like “All the President’s Men” and “Spotlight”.

The political drama is a sub-genre that might not speak to everyone. I happen to be drawn to it. Political intrigue keeps my attention and with “The Report” I was invested from start to finish. I can’t believe nobody talked about this film when it came out. At least, I didn’t hear a lot about it.

Rating: 4,5 / 5

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