zaterdag 18 mei 2024

Book Review - Lakewood by Megan Giddings

Author: Megan Giddings
Genre: Horror/ Fiction/ Thriller
Published: 2020
Description: When Lena Johnson’s beloved grandmother dies, and the full extent of the family debt is reealed, the black millennial drops out of college to support her family and takes a job in the mysterious and remote town of Lakewood, Michigan.
On paper, her new job is too good to be true. High paying,. No out of pocket medical expenses. A free place to live. All Lena has to do is participate in a secret program – and lie to her friends and family about the research being done in Lakewood. An eye drop that makes brown eyes blue, a medication that could be a cure for dementia, golden pills promised to make all bad thoughts go away.
The discoveries made in Lakewood, Lena is told, will change the world 0 but the consequences for the subjects involved could be devastating. As the truths of the program reveal themselves, Lena learns how much she’s willing to sacrifice for the sake of her family.
Review: After Lena’s grandmother has passed, she realizes that her mother’s illness is worsening. They are also dealing with a huge family debt. Lena is forced to quit school and a find a job to support her family. In an add, she reads about Lakewood. A secluded town. There is a jo that pays highly and provides a place to live. All Lena has to do is participate in a series of medical tests. When it sounds too good to be true, it most often is.
Even though Lena knows she is a part of medical research, she has no clue what to expect. And it doesn’t take long for her to see that something is very wrong in Lakewood. Why are (almost) all of the participants people of color, while the observers are all white? What are these tests for and why can’t they talk about it with their families? When at first the tests are pretty innocent, they quickly turn into something more dark, painful and terrifying.
“Lakewood” is provocative and thrilling. A breathtaking novel that takes un unflinching look at the moral dilemmas faced by many working-glass families and the horror imposed on Black people in the name of science.
It’s a disconcerting, surrealistic story. Very though-provoking and creepy. It’s so horrific because it feels so realistic. I felt the ending was a bit rushed for my liking, but overall I really loved “Lakewood”.
Rating: 4/ 5

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