zondag 23 juni 2024

Rewatching My 100 Favorite Movies - Update 28

I decided to rewatch my 100 favorite movies of all-time. What those are, you can check HERE. I watch them in random order, there is no rhyme or reason there, just watching those movies I love so much.

92/ 100: Atonement (2007)
Working class boy Robbie (James McAvoy) is falsely accused of rape by his girlfriend’s thirteen-year-old sister Briony (Saoirse Ronan). His relationship with Cecilia (Keira Knightley) is on the rocks, but on the battlefield around Dunkirk, Robbie’s longing for great love proves not a fraction lessened. The acting is excellent by McAvoy, Knightley and especially Ronan is the strongest part of the film. Based on the novel by Ian McEwan, which is also a favorite  of mine. And it’s very true to the book. The way the story I told is very unique and why this movie is on my favorites list. Check HERE for my full review.
93/ 100: Psycho (1960)
Still, after so many years, the film gives me (and a lot of people with me) chills. The film was very ahead of its time for so many reasons. One of Alfred Hitchcock’s best film ever made. HERE you can read my full review.
94/ 100: Thunderheart (1992)
A thriller set on an Indian reservation. FBI Agent Ray Levoi arrives there to investigate a murder and discovers there is more to it then meets the eye. I never, ever, heard anyone talk about this film. I literally know no one who has seen this movie, let alone love it as much as I do. It’s one of the most overlooked films and I think it deserves more praise. See my full review HERE.
95/ 100: You’ve Got Mail (1998)
Two opposites in everyday life discover each other through an anonymous correspondence. Tom Hanks plays Joe Fox, who is opening a large book store (think Barnes & Noble size) and Meg Ryan play Kathleen Kelly, the owner of a small children’s book shop called The Shop Around the Corner. This film is a favorite because of the vibe, the natural charm of Meg Ryan and of course Tom Hanks, who can do no wrong in my eyes. I want to be Kathleen Kelly, I identify with Kathleen Kelly, she lives the life I would love the live myself. HERE is my full review.
Still to watch: 5

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