Title: The Lies You Told
Author: Harriet Tyce
Genre: Thriller
Published: 2020
Description: Sadie loves her daughter and will do anything to keep
her safe. She can’t tell her why they had to leave home so quickly, or why
Robin’s father won’t be coming with them to London. She can’t tell her why she
hates being back in her dead mother’s house, with its ivy-covered walls and its
poisonous memories. As she can’t tell her the truth about the school Robin’s
set to start at, a school that doesn’t welcome newcomers. Sadie just wants to
get their lives back on track. But even lies with the best intentions can have
deadly consequences…
Review: I went in expecting not much, just a standard thriller. And the synopsis
makes you feel like it is. But there is so much more to this thriller and it
really pleasantly surprised me. I could not put this book down.
Sadie left the U.S. with her daughter Robin, leaving her husband. She is
moving into her dead mother’s house. She can’t tell Robin why they left and
what really happened at the house she grew up in. Robin goes to a new school,
which is also Sadie’s old school. She hated it there, and so does Robin. What
is Sadie not telling? And what is going on with her ex-husband? Or at Robin’s school?
This is a thriller, dealing with rich people, competition, new beginnings,
old memories, but most of all, lots of lies being told. Hence the title. The
story is told pretty straightforward, but there are some chapters that are a bit
different. The seem like diary entries, but it’s not really clear who they were
written by.
Besides the main plot, of Sadie trying to make a life for her and Robin.
And Robin trying to fit in with the kids in school, with Sadie trying her best
to fit it with the moms. There is a side plot of Sadie getting back to work as
a barrister. Her friend Zora gets her working on a case of a man who is being
accused of having inappropriate relations with a student. This side pot
deviates from the main storyline and even though this was also interesting. I
feels like they are supposed to be two separate books. I wouldn’t mind to have
read this as a separate story. You lose the focus when the story switches to
this subplot.
The eventual conclusion is something I did predict, but only when I was
already very close to the end. Because it’s not on-you-nose obvious. It’s a
clever twist.
With that subplot being my only negative, I had a really good time with “The
Lies You Told”. It’s a very solid thriller, with a good pace and it was a real
page turned.
Rating: 4,5/ 5
Author: Harriet Tyce
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